CBD for Weight Loss
THC has a reputation of inducing hunger, not decreasing it. But when it comes to CBD more people are turning towards its weight management properties. THC boosts the hunger hormone known as Ghrelin, and in combination of it’s psychoactive qualities it is known to enhance the smells and tastes of your meals and beverages. CBD on the other hand offers a feeling of satiety, allowing you to avoid overeating, helping with weight management.
The human body has its own endocannabinoid system (ECS) which in turn, interacts with cannabis chemicals. CBD blocks the CB1 receptors in the endocannabinoid system, which are responsible for catching the Ghrelin hormone. This results in the hormone being suppressed, along with its hunger inducing effects. Of course eating a well balanced diet is the best recipe for success, but the utilization of CBD can allow you to get fuller faster and stay full for a longer time frame. This keeps you in line with a healthy lifestyle. It also has beneficial effects on your metabolism and nervous system which is fantastic for fitness purposes.
CBD effects CB1 receptors but also the rest of the B1 receptors. These are known to influence our metabolism. They have the ability to turn white-fats into brown-fats. This enhances the body’s ability to burn calories, and use the “good fats” (golden fats) into accelerated energy consumption. White fat is the type of fat that stores energy. It is created when one consumes too many calories and does not exercise to create balance. CBD on the other hand modulates the body’s metabolism by promoting fat browning. Brown fat is high in mitochondria, this type of fat burns calories and helps maintain a lean figure. It also has the power to prevent fat-cell growth, avoiding relapse on diet modifications. Not only does it prevent fat-cell growth but it can melt away stress on the body. Elevated cortisol from chronic stress can promote the accumulation of belly fat. CBD has been shown to reduce cortisol levels, therefore managing weight fluctuations.
CBD has the power to inflict an anxiolytic effect on the body. Meaning it helps treat and prevent anxiety. This helps control the nervous system, allowing you to avoid nervous eating and cravings.
Sleep may not seem crucial to a lean physique but it is more important than you might think. Not getting enough sleep can lead to weight gain. This is because poor sleep quality increases the appetite and decreases energy levels. If one is tired throughout the day the likelihood of exercise is not high. Sleep deprivation can also cause fluctuations in the hormones Leptin and Ghrelin, therefore increasing your appetite. If taken before bed CBD can drastically improve quality of sleep, giving you more energy throughout the day. When applied topically, it can alleviate pain and sore muscles, allowing your workouts to be much more enjoyable and rewarding.
Inflammation and carrying extra weight often are synonymous with one another. Elevated inflammatory markers are almost always associated with future weight gain. It also starts in fat cells themselves, as fat mass expands so does the inflammation. Increase in inflammation also causes insulin resistance, which can promote the likelihood of obesity. Studies have shown that inflammation promotes weight gain. CBD eases inflammation by targeting a3 glycine receptors in the body. As well as taking CBD it is recommended to eat a diet high in anti-inflammatory foods.
CBD is a fantastic addition to maintaining a healthy mind and body. Not only does it help manage cortisol levels, it helps us get a better night’s rest and reduces inflammation. It truly supports healthy lifestyles.